Archives par mot-clé : circulation de la nature

The struggle for natural rubber  

 or how its local processes and global stories moved (around) the world

Participation de Tiago Muniz à la Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs du Centre Alexandre-Koyré, les 11 et 12 mai 2023.

Résumé :

The rubber case is probably the best example of botanical colonialism in global history. During the 19th century, it became massively common to acquire other country’s flora. In 1876, Sir Henry Wickham shipped 70.000 Hevea brasiliensis seeds from the Lower Amazon (Para State, Brazil) to Kew Gardens, the Royal Botanical Gardens in London. Rubber plantations were very profitable investements worldwide – with different lactescent species and actors involved. The high demand for rubber items for the industry (gaskets, personal proctetive equipement and tires) and medicine (surgical gloves) made the economy in Brazil grow. But that boom was faded to collapse as the southeastern asia plantations entered the global market. So, by the end of the rubber boom (1850-1920) the rubber tappers and entire villages were left behind at the Amazon – and yet we can see these fading tales of nature domination in the landscape. In pursue of historical records, museological discourses and materiality debates this research aims to identify rubber types, enterprises and historical characteres that played an important role in the colonial circulation of plants and knowledge around the globe – with special fous in comparing the British and French empires’ efforts in the struggle for rubber. Follow the rubber path, from the Amazon to Europe and so on Asia, this project aims to collaborate with many research centers worldwide. After its first phase analyzing collections in Europe, the project aims to go back to fieldwork at the very same place where Sir Wickham collected the rubber seeds and document elder practices, techniques systems, environmental perceptions and amazonian knowledge. Finally, the expected outputs are to contribute to the history of science and technology, global south debates in globalization  and the materialities of rubber within the environmental hummanities approach.

Keywords: Ethnology of nature and envinronment, Technologies and techniques, Plantations and plantionocene, Entanglements and non-humans, Globalization and commodities, Amazon/Asia.


L’équipe EXORIGINS sera présente au 29th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting, à Belfast, du 30 août au 2 septembre 2023. L’appel à communication est ouvert et vous pouvez soumettre votre proposition pour la session 687, intitulée “Historical Archaeology or the material History of the Modernity: Experiencing landscapes around the four corners of the world“. Elle sera coordonnée par notre post-doctorant Tiago Muniz. Continuer la lecture de Appel à communications EAA : THE MATERIAL HISTORY OF MODERNITY

Pistes et indices à Tanger. Séquence de glanage dans une traversée de la ville

Eugénie Denarnaud vous invite à venir assister, samedi 14 mars 2020, à une rencontre autour du thème de la marche à laquelle elle participe et où elle traquera au FRAC PACA (Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur) :  Pistes et indices à Tanger. Séquence de glanage dans une traversée de la ville.
Elle s’intègre aux rencontres La marche catalyse de l’art et du savoir qui aura lieu les vendredi 13 et samedi 14 mars 2020 à Marseille.
Ces rencontres s’inscrivent dans le cadre de l’exposition Démarches Des Marches, commissaire Guillaume Monsaingeon, au Frac PACA.
Au plaisir de vous croiser en chemin.

Diversity of our roots

Article du blog Bioveins : How does nature circulates through cities?

Par Meredith Root-Bernstein


On Thursday 28 March I attended the opening workshop of the Exorigins project,, at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. The project, which brings together anthropologists studying plants and their relations to people across the globe, will trace the biocultural diversity in Parisian gardens. The project brings together the National Museum of Natural History, the Institute of the Arab World, the Museum of Art and History of Judaism, and the recently reopened Museum of the History of Immigration, along with the gardens of each institution. How do the people of Paris establish diversity in their gardens? I was intrigued by how this project could add to our understanding of how nature circulates in cities, since the different species that people move with them, and the garden aesthetics that they reproduce, will affect how wild and domestic animals and plants and other species, can find their place in the urban landscape.

Continuer la lecture de Diversity of our roots