Journée d’étude Jardins en Migrations / 23 mai 2022

L’équipe EXORIGINS (Centre Alexandre Koyré ; Laboratoire Caribéen de Sciences Sociales ; PALOC) et Mondes Américains sont heureux de vous inviter lundi 23 mai 2022 à une journée d’études “Jardins en Migrations“, consacrée aux travaux de la sociologue Pierrette Hondagneu Sotelo, professeure à University of Southern California et actuellement accueillie à l’EHESS.

Conférence inaugurale (10h15): Almost Paradise: Sustaining Immigrant Life in Urban Community Gardens

Résumé : This lecture draws on research included in my book Paradise Transplanted: Migration and the Making of California Gardens (2014) and also from research I conducted more recently at two large urban community gardens in Watts, which will be included in the forthcoming book. In this lecture, I cover the development of urban community gardens, and focus on important dynamics occurring in immigrant community gardens located in poor urban neighborhoods. These are sites of homeland re-creations and recreation, places of cultural affirmation and belonging where people come together to improvise solutions to everyday problems. In the past, community gardens in poor, marginalized urban l neighborhoods were often threatened with demolition, but now many of these are supported and protected by agreements with municipal authorities, land trusts and NGOs. With the infrastructural support, however, new difficulties of democracy emerge, and I explore these tensions and trade-offs.

La conférence sera suivie d’un buffet déjeunatoire, puis l’après-midi sera consacré à une visite du Jardin des Altérités, jardin créé par l’équipe EXORIGINS en partenariat avec l’artiste Liliana Motta, puis à une table-ronde. Nous vous attendons nombreux !